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Jeba’s Story
Jeba is a 10 year old boy with cerebral Palsy Read more...
Vmeena’s story
Vmeena is a leader in the gypsy village Read Vmeena's story
Jillu’s story
Jillu is a saltpan worker. Read Jillu's story
You are here: Home » What We Do » Health » Health promotion
We work integrating health promotion in the community. Villages working with SCAD learn to rely on their people and the environment. Health promotion is a good example of how this works.
The kutty (meaning small in Tamil) doctor training is offered to all children from both informal and formal schools. Children are taught to maintain personal as well as environmental hygiene, reducing the risk of contracting communicable diseases.
Schools and village gardens are encouraged to grow indigenous plants with medicinal properties to heal minor ailments such as rashes, diarrhoea, coughs, colds and fever. Training is provided on growing and using the different plants to provide cheaper alternatives to costly medicines.
Want to read more about our health promotion among mothers and babies
Jeba is a 10 year old boy with cerebral Palsy Read more...
Vmeena is a leader in the gypsy village Read Vmeena's story
Jillu is a saltpan worker. Read Jillu's story