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Jeba’s Story
Jeba is a 10 year old boy with cerebral Palsy Read more...
Vmeena’s story
Vmeena is a leader in the gypsy village Read Vmeena's story
Jillu’s story
Jillu is a saltpan worker. Read Jillu's story
You are here: Home » What We Do » Reaching the unreached » Gypsy
Indian Gypsies are like any other gypsies around the world, who live a nomadic life without houses and proper education. They are not considered as citizens. Through our support, Gypsy community in our region has achieved a significant milestone by providing secure and dignified housing solutions. This initiative has not only elevated the living conditions for the community but has also played a vital role in fostering social inclusion.
We’ve built houses for 90 gypsy families and to bring them into the social fabric we have provided permanent land to many other gypsy families for living. With the efforts taken by us to bring them into the societal fold, their names are now enrolled in government records. It’s a lifeline, a source of inspiration, and a symbol of resilience to 248 families and 121 children.
Also, the Gypsy School at Pettai was established with a clear mission – to provide specialized education that respects and embraces the unique cultural heritage of the gypsy community. The Gypsy School has become a beacon of hope for the gypsy children, offering them access to quality education, a sense of empowerment, and a clear path toward a brighter future.
Jeba is a 10 year old boy with cerebral Palsy Read more...
Vmeena is a leader in the gypsy village Read Vmeena's story
Jillu is a saltpan worker. Read Jillu's story