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Jeba’s Story
Jeba is a 10 year old boy with cerebral Palsy Read more...
Vmeena’s story
Vmeena is a leader in the gypsy village Read Vmeena's story
Jillu’s story
Jillu is a saltpan worker. Read Jillu's story
You are here: Home » What We Do » Reaching the unreached » Snake charmers
Snake charmers, a unique community with distinctive cultural practices, often face challenges due to the limitations of their traditional occupation. SCAD recognizes these challenges and is dedicated to supporting snake charmers in various ways. The organization provides housing and schooling facilities to alleviate the difficulties faced by snake charmers and their families. Recognizing the need for alternative employment opportunities, SCAD facilitates the formation of women’s groups and initiates Income Generation Projects (IGPs). These IGPs include distributing loans to support the establishment of alternate sources of income. Through these initiatives, SCAD aims to empower snake charmers by providing them with better living conditions, access to education, and opportunities to pursue alternative livelihoods, thus improving their overall quality of life.
Jeba is a 10 year old boy with cerebral Palsy Read more...
Vmeena is a leader in the gypsy village Read Vmeena's story
Jillu is a saltpan worker. Read Jillu's story